
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items:

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Publication rules.
  • The texts are sent exclusively in .doc or .docx format at

Publication rules

At the beginning of the article write your name and surname, email address and institutional membership.


This journal accepts and publishes articles in French, English and Italian.


The article must be preceded by an abstract in the same language maximum length 1,000 characters (spaces included).


The authors must indicate some keywords that will help to identify the topics dealt with in the article. The first keyword is always Sismondi. The keywords must be separated by semicolons.


The main body of the text is in character GARAMOND 12. The text of the footnotes is in GARAMOND 9. The long quotations inserted in the body of the text are in GARAMOND 10.
Single line spacing.
Do not inserts tabulations or indent lines.
Do not use word division.
Use italics for the titles of books, articles, etc. or for foreign words not in current usage.
The names of the places of the editions of the works cited in the notes remain in the original.

Quotations in the text of the article:
If shorter than 5 lines, insert them in guillemets « »
If longer than 5 lines, insert them between two white lines, in smaller body (GARAMOND 10), with a space of 0.5 cm to the right and 0.5 cm to the left. For example:

Les économistes modernes saluent par des hymnes de joie et d’admiration la naissance d’usines immenses :

L’école chrématistique est en admiration devant les bluteries de la Gironde, qui rendent inutiles les meuniers ; devant les entreprises de tonneaux de la Loire, qui rendent inutiles les tonneliers ; devant les entreprises de bateaux à vapeur, de diligences, d’omnibus, de chemins de fer, qui à l’aide d’immenses capitaux remplacent toutes les mesquines industries des bateliers, des voituriers, des charretiers indépendants. Chacun de ceux-là possédait un petit capital, il était maître.

Plus divertissants sont les passages dans lesquels Sismondi évoque les cuisines-omnibus destinées à remplacer les cuisines familiales…


This journal requires all the bibliographical and documentary information to be presented as footnotes. There will be no final bibliography.

The indication of the note, superscript, precedes the punctuation, except for the cases of ?, !, …
The indication of the note, superscript, follows the closing inverted commas in the case of short quotations.

To indicate a volume:
Name of the authors (in full), author’s surname, Title of the book, Place of the edition, Publisher, Year, Tome, p.

e.g. (Cfr.) Francesca Sofia, Una biblioteca ginevrina del Settecento. I libri del giovane Sismondi, Roma, Ateneo & Bizzarri, 1983, p. 178

To indicate an article in a journal
Name of author (in full), author’s surname, «Title of the article», Journal, issue, year, p.

e.g. (Cfr.) Mauro Moretti, «Sismondi: storiografia e riflessione costituzionale», Contemporanea, n. 1, 1998, pp. 129-138: 130.

To indicate an essay in a collected volume
Name of the author (in full), author’s surname, «Title of the essay», in, curator’s name and surname, (ed), Title of the collected volume, Place of the edition, Publisher, Year, p.

e.g. (Cfr.) Pierangelo Schiera, « Ipotesi sul pensiero costituzionale di Sismondi », in Francesca Sofia (ed)., Sismondi e la civiltà toscana, Firenze, Olschki, 2001, pp. 125-144: 143.

For the quotations successive to the first:
If the book, article or essay is presented in the immediately preceding note, indicate only:
Ibid., p.
If among the quotations there are notes with quotations of different works, use the following form:
For books
N. (initials of the author’s name), author’s surname, Title of the book in abbreviated form…, op. cit., p.
For the articles in journals and essays in collected volumes
N. (initials of the author’s name), author’s surname, «Title of the article (or essay)», art. cit., p.

For the books written by Sismondi, the indication of the author will simply be Sismondi.

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